Just a quick update post. As you may or may not have noticed, this site is looking a bit different. Most of the images on this site aren’t loading correctly and there’s a good reason. I’m in the process of moving my web hosting to another platform and migrating the sites has been a bit of a problem. Although I managed to move the blog content, the images did not migrate properly.
I will try to move everything, but I have over three years of images uploaded to the old site and that process will probably take a while. I might hold off on updating the images of the really older blogs and just fix the older posts as I can.
Lastly, I will need to figure out what I’m doing with the email address for the site. I will try to salvage the older @ contentbymarko email if I can.
Thanks for coming by and hopefully the site is running stronger in the coming weeks. I want to share what I can when I can.